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Hoffs Susanna
When Youre A Boy
So Much For Love
i got a marriage of convenience
i got the true cosmetic love
i got a set of circumstances
that only last as long as either party says it does

so much for love
so much for love
just kiss it off the moment you
decide you've had enough
so much for love

i've got the freedom lover's commitment
i got the true contemporary attitude
i got the modern understanding
that anyone is free to come and go
just as they choose

i got a contract to protect my labor
i got it worded so it always works out in my favor
got no loose ends to untangle
i got a written guarantee that covers every angle

so much for love
don't ask me to try a little tenderness
so much for love
you won't see any tears on my pillow
so much for love
i don't care if your aim is true
so much for love
why do fools fall in love?

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